My Team

It is important to have a strong team in my background

Swing Coach

Denise Lavigne

Denise Lavigne
Since spring 2014, I am working with Denise Lavigne. She is Canadian with many years of experience teaching professional golfers. Especially valuable for me is that she can accompany me on the course in practice and also can provide me with feedback during tournaments. She is very dedicated and installs in me the confidence that I am on the right path.



Fitness Coach

Gabi Tobler

Gabi Tobler
Since spring 2008, Gabi has been my physiotherapist. Besides the necessary recreational massages, she helps me with my fitness program.




Liliane Morell Furrer

Liliane Morell Furrer
My “Mamagement” helps me hugely behind the scenes. She is my "back-office" at home when I am travelling around the world, she organizes and...a whole lot more...
